Health Kinesiology

Who is it for?

Health Kinesiology is very effective in resolving the following:

  • Low energy
  • High stress levels
  • Skin problems eg. eczema, acne
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Improving school/work performance
  • Motivation
  • Learning difficulties
  • Food and chemical intolerance
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Increasing productivity
  • Changing habits
  • Addictions

If you are experiencing one or more of the above issues, then Health Kinesiology is for you.

What is Health Kinesiology (a.k.a Natural Bioenergetics)?

Ancient Chinese medicine postulates existence of Chi – a life force that flows through all tissues of our body through channels called meridians. There are seven pairs of main meridians and hundreds of smaller ones. These meridians are intersected with energy vertices, which are often referred to as chakras. There are thousands of them in our bodies, but there are 7 main ones in accordance to Ayrvedic system or 5 in Tibetan.

Modern science has found correlations between electric conductivity in the human body and map of chakras and meridians. Simply put, the conductivity is highest alongside the path of the main meridians. This lead to realization that what is referred to as life force is our electromagnetic potential. This is important to all the skeptics out there as it proves that the ancient wisdom has scientific basis.

Ancient Chinese Medicine says that state of health is achieved by balanced levels of Chi, freely flowing through the body.

State of illness is caused by blockages of the flow of Chi. When the flow gets blocked, some areas will end up depleted of energy and some others will have too much of energy that will gradually become stagnant. If this blocked state persists physical symptoms will manifest in a form of dis-ease.

Our bodies innately strive to achieve state of harmony, and have ability to self heal and self regulate. By returning balanced flow of vital energy the healing process naturally follows.

The same principle applies to our mental and emotional functioning as well as physical.

As it is very easy to picture this on a physical level, seeing how it happens on emotional or mental levels can be a little bit more tricky.

Imagine all your emotions as a fruit bowl, the where positive emotions are represented by fresh and appetizing fruit 9 they have optimal flow of energy within them) and negative emotions are represented by overripe or decaying moldy fruit ( this is where energy is blocked and stagnant) and some fruit should be there but is simply missing ( this is caused by blockages elsewhere that stopped energy from flowing where it needs to be resulting in depletion) the state of our emotional fruit bowl will affect the relationships we form with other people, objects and ourselves because we simply will attract other fruit bowls very similar to our own.

As the saying goes it takes only one bad apple to spoil the whole lot.

Health Kinesiology is a system that applies principles of Ancient Chinese medicine to sorting out not only physical body but also the content of our “emotional fruit bowl”

Our inner world of emotions and feelings is often portrayed as an iceberg. The part above the water represents the conscious mind – all the things we are aware of. The part just under the water line is like the subconscious, it can be accessed  just by looking closely (meditating) from above the water. And lastly the part of the iceberg that is so deep that our sight ( conscious mind) can’t penetrate it from above the water line is our unconscious mind. The “emotional fruit bowl” is located in that part, very often right next to the bottom.

Because all processes described above are not conscious, (if they were it would be very easy to change) health Kinesiology uses muscle monitoring (locked or unlocked response from a muscle) to connect directly with the area where all these dynamics are taking place – the unconscious (bottom of the iceberg), also known as your physical body.

Muscle monitoring in combination with skillful questioning allows the practitioner to hone in on the issue (the rotten or missing fruit in the bowl) and holding of energy points ( from Ancient Chinese Medicine) allows for re-balancing of the energy ( fresh fruit can replace the rotten one)

Depending on the ratio of Fresh fruit to rotten one the length of the process varies from person to person. It also depends of which fruit we want to replace ( which areas of our lives we wish to improve upon)